Ok, so, I’m still here, waiting for the damn Chinese Food and watching house without my girls. I’ll be down there soon. I’m also watching House and its a comercial break. Here is something I found from Gamerfeed.com. A friend of mine who was a former RA Buffa has an on-line BLOG on this site. He has recently become a professional article writer for one of the sister sites to Gamerfeed.com and actually went to Wrestlemania 21 paid for by THQ the company that makes the WWE games.
Here is an article on the new Pirates of the Caribbean MMORPG (which I just learned for the first time is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game) makes me wish they made something like this as a SIMS game or Roller Coaster Tycoon type of game. It would be sick.
Anway, here it is:
Pirates of the Caribbean the MMORPG
By David Radd — News Writer
Published 9:40 AM CDT, April 26, 2005That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen.
Disney Online, a division of the Walt Disney Internet Group, today announced that they are developing a MMORPG based upon the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Players will be able to organize their own pirate crew and create their own custom character. Crews will compete with each other and with undead pirates in order to be the most infamous pirate of them all. Access to the game will be available online (no game disc purchase required) and players will pay a monthly fee in order to play.
“We’ve learned through our experience with Toontown that the market for massively multiplayer online role-playing games can indeed reach beyond traditional gamers,” stated Ken Goldstein, EVP and managing director, Disney Online. “Pirates of the Caribbean is the perfect franchise for our second commercial effort in this arena. Fans of the movies and theme park attraction will be able to live their own unfolding pirate adventure through the game, including searching for lost treasures and battling numerous enemies on land and at sea.”
“This is a great way for game enthusiasts to experience the fun and excitement of playing the role of a pirate while competing against a wide variety of opponents in a great adventure,” added Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios. “This game captures the same swashbuckling sense of humor, spirit and action that moviegoers loved in the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, and which will continue with the next installment of the highly anticipated sequel in summer 2006. Disney Online has created a really entertaining and challenging game that will appeal to the adventurer in all of us.”
The Pirates of the Caribbean MMORPG will debut in the Summer of 2006, coinciding with the theatrical release of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.
Sounds pretty cool, and I can’t wait to see Dead Man’s Chest. Too bad I have to wait for Summer 2006.