flammable is out in San Diego, and he said he passed by Randy’s Donut shop and I was wondering which… Read more Randy’s Donut
Month: July 2005
Hummerz Myspace pics of the day # 5
Here are pics from Hummerz for today, hope you enjoy them Here name is Shelby:
Just Bizzare
After scouring the internet, I found these very bizzare pics. They actually kind of distrubing. Check them out:
Hummerz’s Myspace pics of the day #4
Here are some more pics from Myspace.com that Hummerz has so nicely sent to me. Her name is Bobbi:
Undertaker DVD
Usually, I would jump to buy or rather see if someone buys a WWE DVD that compiles a wrestlers history… Read more Undertaker DVD
Grand Theft Auto to leave shelves
This is bullshit. I’ve never actually played the damn game, but things like this piss me off. Because some idiots… Read more Grand Theft Auto to leave shelves
Another joke!
This one came from Hummerz who got it sent to him through Myspace, this one will make you…
Here is a joke I got in my e-mail today:
Yet another reason why I am glad I will not be returning to the dorms this coming semester
Just add this to the bunch of other reasons why I am happy that I have moved on from campus… Read more Yet another reason why I am glad I will not be returning to the dorms this coming semester
Raw was Marcos…really late update of pics
Sorry, its a pain to try and find time to put all these pics on line, here are some of… Read more Raw was Marcos…really late update of pics