Seeing that this is also a day that I should be happy about and celebrate that I’ve had something like this blog up and actually kept it running for longer than the (at most in my mind) month that I saw it only going for, I’m posting some myspace pics of the day:
Haha! Fool you!
Aww…the one with Peanut Chew in the box is my favorite.
yeah, that is a good one. I can’t believe how big he’s gotten since we first got him.
dude, maybe you should get him a rabbit-sized treadmill. or does he have one of those wheels that gerbils have?
that’s an idea…we do have a treadmill, but melissa thinks its mean if we put him on that…
hey, if he needs it
he is getting a bit chunky…
Put a tiny headband on him and watch him run on the treadmill…that could be entertaining.
ohh! that could be really cute…
Oh oh take pictures! If you do it.
I would…he’s the man…