Christian Returns to the WWE

I haven’t had a chance to post much about wrestling on the blog since the change over, but I’ve been pretty busy and there really hasn’t been much to post. Sure I posted youtube videos here or there, but nothing really…until now…


Christian, who had been with the WWE until the end of 2005 when he allowed his contract to expire and he went to TNA (Total Nonstop Action) Wrestling–AKA the closest thing to a threat against the powerhouse that is WWE. He had a pretty damn good run in TNA, was the NWA World Heavyweight Champion twice and was in a lot of the main event matches. But on last Tuesday’s ECW on Sci-fi show he returned!

It had been rumored that he was coming back, Dixie Carter (president of TNA) said a month or so back that Christian had resigned with the WWE and there were some hot rumors that Christian would be the one to run in during the Royal Rumble match between Jeff Hardy and Edge and cost Hardy the title but alas, it was not to be.

I’m glad Christian is back. I just wish they would have given him a better return than him just being a surprise. That was really a let down. But he’s back and it feels good to have Christian back. I really wished that he would have teamed up with Edge…maybe they will, in the future.

Anyway, for those with the benifit of flash photography…I’m just kidding, for those who didn’t see it, or even for those who care, here is his return and first match back from ECW:

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