About two days late, but I figured I’d give some random thoughts. So, before I do that, a SPOILER WARNING, for anyone reading this.
And just to play it safe, you’ll have to go click the link below to continue.
If Time Travel is at the top of my favorite Sci-Fi things to watch or even write about I think Alternate Universes are a close second. Both go hand in hand. Scientifically, if I’m not mistaken, it is more probable that there are Alternate Universes then there would be to time travel (at least to the past, theoretically, as far as I can remember, one couldtravel into the future, but if you want to talk about that, write me and we’ll start a dialogue about that.
I thought the ending was very nicely written, I loved how we found out about Peter through the last scene with his father Walter, putting the coin on PETER’S GRAVE! Crazy stuff. Melissa reminded me that earlier in the season Walter says something like, “Peter must first learn about himself” or something to that extent.
Then the last shot, with the zoom out, while Olivia Dunham finally meets William Bell and she goes to look out the window and sees that she’s actually in the World Trade Center.
On that subject, I didn’t think it was in poor taste, I thought that it was very nicely done and that it shows that perhaps there are better things in other Alternate Universes. And to add to that, check out this short video off of the Fox.com page:
Not too much of a review, just some thoughts. Write what you think below if you saw it.