This was the main post on today and it was titled 6 Baffling Flaws in Famous Sci-Fi Technology. I read them all, but the one that struck me the most. The Technodrome from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved the original Turtles show. I still think they are classics. I even started buying the cartoon on DVD a few years ago, but I stopped once they got to season 3 (which had too many episodes to purchase them separately).
Anyway, I consider myself a huge fan and instead of posting the whole thing, I’m only posting the part that I really appreciate, but you can view the whole thing at the link: 6 Baffling Flaws in Famous Sci-Fi Technology. From
The TechnodromeIn the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe, the Technodrome is a futuristic doom base/horror tank from another world built by a gigantic brain with arms and a tripod.
It was able to withstand any environment–from the vacuums of space to the depths of the ocean–and came equipped with a robot army, deflector shields, interdimensional teleportation and even a time machine.
It also made a totally badass toy.