I’ll take this one as simply a rumor, I don’t know why he would be interested in a sequel to a spin-off and especially a sequel to such a poorly executed movie. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was horrible. As the X-men franchise continues on it just produces lesser and lesser quality films. I mean, I’m not sure if it is because there isn’t a front runner to the series, like Bryan Singer, who spearheaded X-men and X2: X-men United; both of which were of great quality for a comic book movie (especially my favorite X2).
I always found it difficult to see Aronofsky doing any major studio film. I mean look at all the films he’s done, from Ï€, to Requiem for a Dream, to The Foutain and The Wrestler as well as the upcoming Black Swan movie; they are all extremely dramatic pieces that are no where near the popcorn summer movie fair that would be needed to convince me that he could direct something like a remake of Robocop, the reboot of Superman (which was handed over to Zack Snyder–which I will have to discuss in detail at a later date), or even besmirch his great name as a director with Wolverine 2…
If Aronofsky is considering doing something mainstream, I would honestly recommend him to steer clear of any franchise or sequel and do something original (ala Inception or Avatar). Which is few and far between on the big screen these days.
from darkhorizons.com:
Aronofsky In Talks For “Wolverine” Sequel
By Garth Franklin Tuesday October 5th 2010 11:31PM

Aronofsky was interested in helming the “Superman” reboot, a project it was officially announced that Zack Snyder would be directing yesterday.
Shortly after that announcement, Aronofsky’s reps began negotiations with Fox to helm the “Wolverine” sequel. Things aren’t sure though as he has also been offered “Tales from the Gangster Squad” at Warner Bros. Pictures.