Again, I’m not happy that they are remaking Total Recall, but I am interested and I will give them a shot. Just as long as they don’t butcher the original film. I’ve said it before, but the original movie is one of my top five favorite movies of all time.
Somehow, I don’t mind if Colin Farrell is the main character in Total Recall. But check it out, from, from last week:
Colin Farrell Eyed For Total Recall
Source: The Hollywood ReporterOctober 21, 2010Colin Farrell is on the list as a potential candidate for he lead in Len Wiseman’s remake of Total Recall, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
The film, based on the 1990 Paul Verhoeven adaptation of the short Philip K. Dick story, “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale”, is expected to begin production in of March 2011. The original starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as Douglas Quaid, a man who, after buying implanted memories of a vacation to Mars, begins to remember experiences tied to an elaborate conspiracy.
Other potential candidates for the lead are said to include Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender, though the article suggests that Farrell is the studio’s top choice.
Read more: Colin Farrell Eyed For Total Recall –