CM Punk: Best in the World T-shirt


I have to say with everything going on in the WWE right now, with Rey winning the WWE Championship and then John Cena winning it the same night and on top of all of that CM Punk coming back with the Championship right after that; the best thing going on is Punk’s T-shirt. I rarely buy WWE T-shirts in general. I think that I bought a Triple H T-Shirt at my first Smackdown taping back in 2000 and Melissa bought me the last DX shirt (the one that had the tank and had “World’s Largest Member” on it) but this T-shirt looks like something that I would mind wearing.

Also, I really like the CM Punk symbol inside of what looks like a flag:

I wish the WWE would sell that as a flag. I would put it up on my flag pole in front of my house, no problem at all!


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