I remember when WWE used to actually book their Pay Per View events. I remember when they used to make everyone care about every match on the card. But with a PPV like Elimination Chamber, it is hard to get behind any one of these matches. They have officially announced 4 matches, that’s right, four! Unless I’ve miss read something or missed a match here or there, I checked yesterday and they still had four announced matches.
I do know that they’ve been adding at least 2-3 matches during the event and let me just say, I doubt many of these PPV are getting good buy rates. My only recommendation is to cut some of the PPVs out of the schedule. Cut them down to about 8 or 10 a year, that or cut the price down for them a substantial amount. Also, 2-3 weeks between PPVs is not enough time to even care one bit about a PPV.
Anyway, here are the matches:
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title:
-CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston*After winning the 6 pack challenge match on Raw, Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the Raw Chamber match.
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE World Title:
-Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Great Khali vs. Big Show vs. Santino Marella (Randy Orton’s replacement)Ambulance Match:
-John Cena vs. KaneDivas Championship Match:
-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
And here we go!
Cos’ Elimination Chamber 2012 Predictions:
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title:
-CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston
*After winning the 6 pack challenge match on Raw, Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the Raw Chamber match.
This match makes no sense if one of the participants in the match (other than Punk) wins the Championship, because this would have been a #1 contendership match and not a Championship match. I think Jericho is going to win here and Punk is going to ask for his rematch at Wrestlemania.
Winner and New WWE Champion: Chris Jericho
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE World Title:
-Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Great Khali vs. Big Show vs. Santino Marella (Randy Orton’s replacement)
If there was ever a match that showed the sad state of the Smackdown talent roster it would be this one. I’m sure if Mark Henry were nice and heeled either Barrett or Rhodes would not have been in this match. I would actually like to see Bryan win this so that we could see last year’s “Dark Match” for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania as one of the many Main Events on this card in Bryan vs Sheamus.
Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan
Ambulance Match:
-John Cena vs. Kane
Don’t care. Probably Cena.
Divas Championship Match:
-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
Don’t care. Wrestlemania will be Phoenix vs Kharma.
Mother Brain’s WWE Elimination Chamber 2012 Predictions
By Mother Brain
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title:
-CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston
*After winning the 6 pack challenge match on Raw, Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the Raw Chamber match.
Jericho manages to be the last entrant in the match and hits the codebreaker for the win. This leads to the big Punk/Y2J showdown at Wrestlemania.
Winner and new WWE Champion: Chris Jericho
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE World Title:
-Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Great Khali vs. Big Show vs. Mark Henry (Randy Orton’s replacement)
Bryan gets eliminated by Big Show midway through the match. But Barrett gets the upper hand in the end and goes on to feud with Sheamus for Wrestlemania.
Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion: Wade Barrett
Ambulance Match:
-John Cena vs. Kane
Cena rises above hate. Blah.
Winner: John Cena
Divas Championship Match:
-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
Total squash match. Beth retains. Goes on to feud with Kharma.
Winner: Beth Phoenix
Smark Central’s Elimination Chamber 2012 Predictions:
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title:
*After winning the 6 pack challenge match on Raw, Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the Raw Chamber match.
-CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston
What I want to see: Punk keeping or Jericho winning. Anything else would interfere with those two facing off at Wrestlemania for the title
What we will see: No way anyone other than Punk or Jericho wins unless of course Vince decides to swerve the net fans AGAIN

Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE World Title:
-Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Great Khali vs. Big Show vs. Santino Marella (Randy Orton’s replacement)
What I want to see: This match was already a little goofy w/Khali and Show in there, but the goof factor went through the roof when Marella was put in as Orton’s replacement. I sincerely hope a returning Christian takes Santino out and weasels his way into his spot. Otherwise, I think we may just have the worst EC since December to Dismember. As far as a winner, I’d like to see Bryan keep it, but that would mean a Bryan Vs Sheamus match one on one at WrestleMania so I think Barrett winning sets up a nice triple threat between himself, Sheamus, and Bryan
What we will see: WWE has managed to pull some surprises on PPV, some very logical, others were just stupid and done for the wrong reasons (See: Sheamus wins the rumble. I sincerely hate you sometimes Vince), but since WrestleMania is on the horizon, I think their trying to build the best card possible so I’ll say Barrett goes over. Worst case I can see Show winning, but with Orton out, I feel much better about the possibilities.

Ambulance Match:
-John Cena vs. Kane
What I want to see: It seems this will be the one time I get my wish for a feud to end. This feud has been so painfully cheesy and logically broken. For once it would be nice to see Kane in a feud and hear somebody say “this storyline is great. I’m so intrigued about where this is going†instead of the usual “THIS STORY MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Why would Kane (insert dumb thing they’ve had Kane do)?.†To make matters worse, they dragging Zack Ryder into this mess by having him drop the U.S. title (to Jack Swagger of all fucking people) only to get into a love triangle w/Cena and Eve Torres. Yea, that’ll do wonders for his career…Anyways, I’m getting of track. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what I want, Cena’s going to win. I really wish he’d just go away and stop dragging talented wrestlers down with him.
What we will see: Cena rising above the hate and me rising out of my seat.

Divas Championship Match:
-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
What I want to see: Beth finally has a worthy opponent. The only problem is everyone stopped caring about the women’s division a long time ago. Beth winning and going on to face Kharma at WrestleMania would be ideal
What we will see: Beth wins a close one

JJJ’s Elimination Chamber 2012 Predictions:
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Title:
-CM Punk (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. R-Truth vs. Kofi Kingston
*After winning the 6 pack challenge match on Raw, Chris Jericho earned the right to be the last entrant in the Raw Chamber match.
Winner: Punk
Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE World Title:
-Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Great Khali vs. Big Show vs. Santino Marella (Randy Orton’s replacement)
Winner: Barrett
Ambulance Match:
-John Cena vs. Kane
Winner: Kane
Divas Championship Match:
-Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
Winner: Beth Phoenix