Ruthless Roundtable: WWE Royal Rumble 2013
After a long hiatus from the Roundtable, we are back with this year’s WWE Pay-Per-View Royal Rumble 2013.
And Honestly, aside from the main event (not the Rumble itself) which is between WWE Champion CM Punk and the challenger, The Rock, there isn’t much on this card.
Here we go!
Cos’ WWE Royal Rumble Predictions:
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz
Singles match for the United States Championship
I feel as if it would be important for Antonio Cesaro to win this match. I know they are trying to get both of these guys over as hard as possible, but there is absolutely no reason for him to loose this championship to The Miz. And let’s face it, The Miz’s face turn looks to have fallen flat. No one wants to cheer him, his Miz TV segments are one of the worst and most criticized on WWE Television.
I’ve heard nothing but great things about Cesaro, he has recently changed his ring attire to an American flag style attire and he is well on his way to being a dominate heel. I predict that he’ll retain.
Winner and Still United States Champion: Antonio Cesaro
Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan & Kane) (c) vs. The Rhodes Scholars (Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes)
Tag Team match for the Tag Team Championship
As great as Rhodes Scholars are, I think Team Hell No (which I still think is a terrible name for their team) should retain. They’ve done so much to bring attention to the Tag Team Division. The only way I could see Rhodes Scholars winning would be if they continued to feud with Team Hell No for the next few months, letting the championship bounce back and forth between the two teams, culminating in a big match at WrestleMania.
Winners and Still Tag Team Champions: Team Hell No
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Big Show
Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Del Rio just won the championship, and I hate to say it, it looks much better on Del Rio then it does on Big Show. I think they should keep it on Del Rio and leave Big Show open for a Ryback match at WrestleMania.
Winner and Stil World Heavweight Champion: Alberto Del Rio
CM Punk (c) vs. The Rock
Singles match for the WWE Championship.
If The Shield interferes in the match, Punk will be stripped of the title.
This is a hard one to predict, it should be easy, The Rock is poised to win the WWE Championship. But Punk’s 420+ day reign and the fact that everyone is expecting The Rock to win causes me to think that there could be a chance that Punk retains (only to loose it to The Rock at Elimination Chamber). Personally, I wish they could have allowed this feud to continue through to WrestleMania as this match seems like the freshes thing going right now. Something we’ve never seen and something we never thought we would see. A win from Punk would cement him in the eyes of the WWE fans as a great main eventer (even though the majority of them already think this, it would solidify his legacy).
But alas, I feel as if The Rock, the part timer, will win this one.
Winner and NEW WWE Champion: The Rock
2013 Royal Rumble match
Winner receives his choice of a WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania XXIX
Warning, this went from a prediction to me venting my frustrations about the Royal Rumble:
Not that the winner of the Royal Rumble really matters anymore. I feel as if the WWE has allowed the Rumble, one of my favorite matches/Pay-Per-View concepts of all time to really become stagnant and essentially irrelevant. Whoever becomes the Rumble winner has not had a WrestleMania main event in at least three years. The Rumble has become less of an importance on the Road to WrestleMania, despite what WWE says; it has honestly become more of a stumbling block as they now have to shoe horn the winner into some storyline that will take a spot, traditionally meant to be the main event, of a far lower importance than it ever has.
I also feel that the Money in the Bank briefcases have caused the Rumble to not be as important. Why would a feud leading to a main event at the biggest PPV of the year be the stepping stone a potential main eventer could use to propel themsevles to the next level when they could easily cash in a tired and played out gimmick and winning 1 of the 2 World Championships. For the foreseable future I don’t see there being another “Boyhood Dream” story for anyone. There has only been one person to have won their first World Championship via a storyline not involving the MITB briefcase and that was Mark Henry (where the hell has he been) and its sad that the WWE has been relying on the shock value of a cash in to get superstars over.
Gone are they days of feuds leading to championship wins and now is the time for meaningless matches at WrestleMania where the winner of the Rumble opens the show instead of closing it.
Sigh, but I digress.
Getting back to the winner of the 2013 match, the winner would be stupid not to jump in on the WWE Championship match. But they could go in a handful of different ways.
First, if The Rock wins the Championship, John Cena could win the Rumble and they could have their Twice in a Lifetime rematch.
Second, Punk could jump into the Rumble and win it and force a rematch with Rock.
Third, they could go in the direction of a fresh face (like the last two years with Del Rio and Shemus) and have Dolph Ziggler, Ryback or any number of upper mid-carders that will most likely battle with the World Heavyweight Champion in the opening to WrestleMania.
Enough of my banter, I’m going with the easy prediction of:
Winner of the 2013 Royal Rumble: John Cena
Despite the fact that I don’t want to see Cena vs Rock again.
Mother Brain’s WWE 2013 Royal Rumble Predictions
By Mother Brain
United States Championship Dark Match: Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz
I’m not on the babyface Miz bandwagon like most of the sheep. He tries to hard to pander to the crowd and Cesaro is getting more credibility each week. Kinda amazing how a man who headlined Wrestlemania two years ago has now been reduced to a dark match. No title change here.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro
Tag Team match for the Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No (Daniel Bryan & Kane) (c) vs. The Rhodes Scholars (Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes)
I think we’ve seen Team Hell No run its course at this point. The anger management segments served their purpose in making Daniel Bryan super over with the crowd and remade Kane into a lovable big man. Their “graduation” from this past Monday’s Raw is a clear indication that their long tag team run is coming to an end and the lost of their tension between each other will easily cost them the titles.
Winners and new Tag Team Champions: Rhodes Scholars
Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Big Show
Another match I could care less about. I’m not totally sold on babyface Del Rio even though I understand WWE’s need for a top Latino superstar to make up for an injury prone Rey Mysterio and the walking flop known as Sin Cara. It’s gonna be slow and boring all the way. My only hope is that Del Rio wins only for Big Show to WMD his ass and let Dolph Ziggler cash in Money in the Bank. Of course that’s wishful thinking and WWE is afraid to take chances on Ziggler.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio (?)
WWE Championship match: CM Punk (c) vs. The Rock
The buildup has been very disappointing. As much as I love The Rock, his usual act isn’t working this time around. We welcomed his return at first because of the hate against John Cena. Now he’s just playing safe and getting phrases like “cookie puss” over on Twitter. His promos against Punk have been abismal; however, Punk hasn’t been all that impressive either. His heel act now feels too forced and some of his promos sound too scripted. Most people believe Rock will get the title. I think it’s gonna go the other way and since Punk can’t get help from The Shield, his only miracle will be the arrival….. of a category F5.
Winner: CM Punk
2013 Royal Rumble Match
Here’s what I believe we’ll see: Ryback breaking the record for most Rumble eliminations, Zigger lasting until the end (unless he cashes in on Del Rio to avoid going #1 or #2), and Cena getting the near victory until Randy Orton turns heel and eliminates him for the Rumble victory.
Winner: Randy Orton
Justice’s WWE Royal Rumble Predictions
WWE Championship: CM Punk(c) vs. The Rock: What I want to see happen- The Rock get screwed leading to a Wrestlemania re-match between the 2 for CM Punk’s title. My prediction: Rock wins the title.
WWE Championship:Last Man Standing Match- Alberto Del Rio(c) vs. Big Show: What I want to see: Alberto Del Rio retain in a hard-hitting match. My Prediction: Del Rio wins. Ziggler cashes in and wins the title,promptly losing in at Elimination Chamber to Sheamus.
Tag Team Championship: Team Rhodes Scholars vs. Team Hell No(c): What I want to see: Team Hell No snatching a victory from the jaws of defeat leading to Team Rhodes Scholars winning the belts at Wrestlemania in a Tag Team Turmoil match. My Prediction: Rhodes Scholars win and Kane and Bryan split, leading to a Wrestlemania match.
Royal Rumble Match: What I want to see: Dolph Ziggler or Wade Barrett step it up and win, cementing them in the main event picture for years to come. My Prediction: Cena or Orton, and I’ll hang my head in disgust
Chosen 1’s Royal Rumble 2013 Predictions
Smark Central’s Royal Rumble Predictions
WWE Tag Team Titles
Team Hell No(c) Vs Team Rhodes Scholars
What I want to see: The team of Bryan and Kane has been great. They are a great odd ball tag team. However, I think their time is up. It’s time for Bryan to get back in the World title picture and considering all the goofy humiliating stuff he’s had to do in this angle, he deserves another shot. Kane will be fine. They (WWE) always find something for him to do. Plus, I’d like to see what Rhodes and Sandow could do as leaders of the division.
What will happen: I think the return of Dr, Shelby may be a sign that Team Hell No will be coming to an end. It just seems like there’s nothing left to do with them so I see Rhodes Scholars taking this one.

WWE World Heavyweight Championshp
Last Man Standing Match
Alberto Del Rio(c) Vs The Big Show
What I want to see: I didn’t like face Del Rio at first, but he seems to be doing a lot better than when he was a heel. His heel moveset was boring, his heel mic work was boring, and he was just unbearably boring. Now he has some flash in the ring and some enthusiasm on the mic and he’s much more tolerable. I find it funny how WWE is making it seem like he’s poor now. He lost all his cars and gold trunks. Now he has colorful trunks and a bucket of confetti. (WWE: What racists? Us? Never!)
I want Del Rio to keep it because it just makes more sense. Big Show is not and was never a good title holder. In my opinion, if you’re the champion you have to be able to have good matches with everybody and Show just can’t pull it off. Plus, if Dolph is going to cash in, it has to be on a face so it keeps the possibility of that occurrence alive.
What will happen: Del Rio keeps it. Probably no cash in. I am praying their saving that shit for Mania

WWE Championshp
CM Punk(c) Vs The Rock
What I want to see: If you asked me a year ago if I’d like to see the Rock win the WWE title this year, I’d probably say YES! However, since Punk’s impressive reign has grown and grown it seems almost unfair to rip it away from him and give it to a part time performer (even one whose as talented as the Rock). It would be a lot easier to root for Rock if he actually gave us something new, but he hasn’t deviated from his usual shtick at all. Meanwhile, Punk has only evolved into one of the greatest talkers of all time. His pipe bomb two weeks ago floored everyone and showed just how antiquated some of Rock’s methods are. I mean Cookie Puss? Really Rock? That’s the best you’ve got? It just seems so underwhelming for a guy who used to absolutely kill it on the mic. I’m pulling for Punk all the way.
What will happen: Here’s where it gets interesting. It can go one of two ways: Punk wins (somehow) and then Rock wins the belt at Elimination chamber OR Rock just flat out wins and keeps it till WrestleMania. The argument could be made that house show attendance will take a hit without the WWE champion headlining them, but maybe that’s a hit WWE is willing to take for nine weeks. If they push the title change to Elimination Chamber, that’s only five weeks. I think that’s what they’ll do. Vince isn’t dumb (just insane) and there should be no rush to put the title on Rock so I say Punk walks away from the Rumble with the belt.
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
What I want to see: Two words: Dolph Ziggler. How epic would it be if Dolph won the rumble while still having control of the World title MITB briefcase? I would love it if Dolph takes it. It would make the last few weeks of bullshit worth it, but there’s almost no way Cena doesn’t win it.
What will happen: Dolph makes it all the way to the end only to be eliminated by Super Cena.

promotional poster for elimination chamber… would they put the rumble winner in the elimination chamber? looks good for ziggler no?
looks good for Ziggler?
RT @CosBlog: Ruthless Roundtable: WWE Royal Rumble 2013:
RT @CosBlog: Ruthless Roundtable: WWE Royal Rumble 2013: