This might be old news by this point in time, but after seeing the poster for Captain America: The Winter soldier, it really reminds me of a bunch of other recent hit movie posters.
Just to start, here is Captain America poster:
Now, the following posters are from movies from different genres and directors (well, three of them are from the same director):
Inception, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises and Star Trek Into Darkness all seem to have very similar looking posters (actually, I only added The Dark Knight Rises because the destruction in the Into Darkness poster looks very similar, especially when you factor in the other elements from the Nolan posters). I have to say it has to be the trend going around right now.
I don’t mind it, I probably would not have picked up on it if there weren’t so many articles out when the Star Trek Into Darkness poster was released and looked like a combination of two posters.
What do you think? Am I reading into this too much? Am I spot on? Have you seen this trend in any other posters?