Is it just me…

…or is the new AT & T symbol just too pop culture? Kind of like the hundreds of other companies that have decided to change their logos to fit into this day and age (those include: Pizza Hut, KFC (no longer called Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonalds, Hilton, Burger King, Nike (although its not that much different) and many others. It bothers me, I know that things have to move on and evolve but some of them are just annoying!

Here is a clear example of difference, they aren’t big, but you can notice them and they are doing away with the old school look and making it all “cool” and angled and curved and futuristic looking…

Here’s Burger King:

Old School.


You can definately tell the difference…I don’t mind this one that much…I don’t know why, it doesn’t iritate me as much as the next one does…

Pizza Hut:

Old School


Its not that big of a differnece, but just enough to really bother me…I don’t know why.

Now here is AT&T’s old logo:

And here is their new one…and for some reason, I really don’t like it…too similar yet too different it makes my brain hurt!

Please tell me what you think or if I’m just crazy!


PS while I was looking for images on line I ran into this site about the history of the AT&T logo:

And came across this example of what they originally wanted as the logo for the company:

PPS I found these two comics about KFC and thought I’d put them up:

PPPS along with looking for stuff, I came across this picture of two Survivor contestents now doing promotions for PETA against

Which can be viewed here:

Now I’m not one to be against wearing furs and things like that. I don’t really care. It sucks that they kill the little animals but now that I am a father to a little bunny I’ll be damned if anyone comes in here and makes a little coat out of him. Am I worried about Mathew? No, he’s a big boy, he’s taken care of himself for 20 years, he’s cool…

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