Pic of the Day

This pic comes from the same e-mail Hummerz sent me with the two wolves from last week, I thought it was funny, not in a mean way but in a that would probably happen to me (or Mathew really).



6 thoughts on “Pic of the Day

  1. socramforever says:

    yeah. I once cut part of Mathew’s whiskers off, like half of the left side of his head when I was three years old and he was still a little kitten. He wobbled away and my mom saw that he wobbled towards her (unable to keep some balance, but he got better really quick) I didn’t get in trouble but they asked me never to do it again…

    …and look at us now, we’re best friends!

  2. flammable says:

    Aww, he lost his balance? Poor guy.

    Dude, you’re like brothers or something…though I’m sure he’s mellowed out in the past few years.

  3. socramforever says:

    yeah, he’s very chill now, he just sleeps all the time. When he sees me he comes running over and meows and meows and meows. When I eat at home he runs over and wants some. I usually give it to him…even though I probably shouldn’t. But he’s still my little boy.

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