This pic comes from the same e-mail Hummerz sent me with the two wolves from last week, I thought it was funny, not in a mean way but in a that would probably happen to me (or Mathew really).
This pic comes from the same e-mail Hummerz sent me with the two wolves from last week, I thought it was funny, not in a mean way but in a that would probably happen to me (or Mathew really).
that kid’s gonna get messed up pretty badly.
yeah. I once cut part of Mathew’s whiskers off, like half of the left side of his head when I was three years old and he was still a little kitten. He wobbled away and my mom saw that he wobbled towards her (unable to keep some balance, but he got better really quick) I didn’t get in trouble but they asked me never to do it again…
…and look at us now, we’re best friends!
Aww, he lost his balance? Poor guy.
Dude, you’re like brothers or something…though I’m sure he’s mellowed out in the past few years.
yeah, he’s very chill now, he just sleeps all the time. When he sees me he comes running over and meows and meows and meows. When I eat at home he runs over and wants some. I usually give it to him…even though I probably shouldn’t. But he’s still my little boy.
Aww…feeding him table scraps. That’s so cool.
yeah, he’s like my little dog…only he’s a cat…