I Am Legend

As if seeing Order of the Phoenix broke whatever movie curse could have been placed on us from this past summer when we didn’t go to see it in the theater, we went to go see Will Smith’s I Am Legend. I also just found out it was the number one movie of the weekend with 76 million dollars. That is the biggest opening December movie of all time. Behind it was The Return of the King with 72 million dollars. It did huge business this weekend.

I did like the movie, it was really sad and intense. I loved that German Shepard dog too. I thought the special effects were great and I thought that Will Smith did a great job too.

On the way home from seeing it I was telling Melissa how I’ve been following this movie for several years (I first told her I heard about it when I was a Sophomore in college and Arnold Schwarzenegger attached to star with Ridley Scott directing, but they dropped out and Will Smith and Michael Bay attached themselves to it…but I was wrong, it goes back farther than that. Lets say about ten years. When I first heard of it was in 1997, with Arnold and Ridley Scott attached. It was huge back then. But it tapered off because of an escalating budget. Then, when I was a sophomore, in 2002, Will Smith and Michael Bay attached themselves. But this too died off. Only to come back with Will Smith attached yet again. I’m glad that neither Arnold, Ridley Scott, Michael Bay or Will Smith back (in 2002) got it off the ground. I don’t think it would have been as good if any of them did it. Except for maybe Michael Bay, who may have made this a huge action movie (which would have been amazing!) but I’m glad that they waited this long).

I wouldn’t rush out to see it, its really sad and intense, but I do recommend seeing it whenever you can; either in the theater or on DVD.

I hope to see National Treasure: Book of Secrets next weekend. Whoo!

Two Thumbs Up.

See it whenever you can.


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