The Huffington Post had this great article about Pineapple Facts. I thought it was very interesting.

The Huffington Post had this great article about Pineapple Facts. I thought it was very interesting.
Reminds me of my girls when they find something that they lost in the snow:
10 years ago, I met John Merenda at my father’s private dental practice on Staten Island. My father told me ahead of time that John used to make movies in Hollywood during the early 1970s and that he had a script about an American bounty hunter in the old west. It sounded different and ambitious which may have been the reason most major film producers were scared to make it. Although he held out hope for a major movie star like Wesley Snipes or a big time filmmaker like Ron Howard to give it a chance, he had faith in my growing talent to make films even though I was just a 20 year old college student…