On Friday, Mother Brain, Ato and Smark Central ventured out to watch the newest incarnation to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle legacy and had some surprising results. I really wish I had gone to see it with them…looked like they had a good time!
On Friday, Mother Brain, Ato and Smark Central ventured out to watch the newest incarnation to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle legacy and had some surprising results. I really wish I had gone to see it with them…looked like they had a good time!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Review #CosBlog #Turtles #TeenageMuntantNinjaTurtles #TMNT #NinjaTurtles http://t.co/E8fMmyKaz5
Jon Drewes liked this on Facebook.
Awesome movie!!!
RT @CosBlog: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Review: http://t.co/bkYZiKldzz #CosBlog #Turtles #TeenageMuntantNinjaTurtles #TMNT #NinjaTurtles
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Craig Como liked this on Facebook.
Wow, the very first positive review for this movie.
I find it stupid when critics are forced to review a movie like this. Its not for them.
As you guys all said, you’re going to get exactly what you think you are with this type of movie. Check your brain at the door and enjoy the pretty colors.
Critics tend to complain when a movie isn’t thought provoking or well acted. It’s a summer popcorn flick! Nothing more nothing less.
Critics: Transformers is terrible
Box office: no it’s not
Critics: TMNT is terrible
Box office: no it’s not
Critics: we’re terrible
Everyone: yup, basically
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Review http://t.co/JNQygTJI3e via @MarcosCosme1 #tmnt
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