[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: Yahoo! Every day Yahoo! has an article up with the top apps that are free… Read more Phone Doctor Plus app logo

[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: Yahoo! Every day Yahoo! has an article up with the top apps that are free… Read more Phone Doctor Plus app logo
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: Viral Nova Viral Nova had a great, long, list of perfectly timed photos:
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: The New York Times This is potentially huge news. NASA has found what could potentially… Read more NASA finds Earth-like planet
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Looking good.
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /]
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Going to start a weekly posting of Miles (on Monday). Enjoy!
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /]
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Saw this video online, knew I had to share it:
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: The Dodo The Dodo had this post up of perfectly timed pictures of dogs that… Read more Perfectly Timed Giant Dog Pics?
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] A week late, but still worth putting on here. https://youtu.be/y4mrD1t0gdk