Taking a week off of the blog

Decided, rather accidentally, to take a week off from the blog.

At the beginning of the pandemic/quarantine I decided to post at least once a day. Early on I had a repository of posts since it took about two weeks or so to get the blog set up.

I was pushing myself to post daily and while I think some people really like the Miles and Aubrey pictures/videos and old videos that I’m finding. I think I need to take a break to build some content.

I said this was accidental and really it was. I forgot to post on Friday. Recently I was setting these posts up at least a day in advance. When this all started it was at least a week out or more. I was going to post and the. Finally decided to wait until Monday.

Now I’m thinking about giving myself time to collect content. Write those reviews and editorials.

I don’t think many people are going to worry too much.

See you all in a week or so.

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