Ok, let me first say I was not going to post anything today….until I saw this article and looked it up and this is factual.
Source: Popular Mechanics
Remember back in April when it came out that the Pentagon released footage of UFOs?
I posted about it on April 28th (Pentagon officially releases 3 UFO videos).
At the time is said:
To be fair, UFO doesn’t mean that they are from another planet. It means that they couldn’t identify what it was.
However, now it seems like it might just be actual UFOs.
The Pentagon has released that it in fact has a UFO program, has “Off-World vehicles not made on this Earth” and will release additional information in 180 days.
Ok, so if 2020 couldn’t get any worse we see this.
Also, 180 days? Hmmm.
I looked it up and 180 days is Thursday, January 21, 2021. I thought this was a funny day. So, I looked up the presidential inauguration and it is Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
Things may get even more interesting as we near the election.