DVD release dates from joblo.com

Yeah, joblo.com is a funny name, I know, but I’ve know of it for a while and I finally found it the other day when I wanted to see what was coming out on DVD for Tuesday. I did end up buying Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story and I’ve watched about a half hour of it so far. But we may not even get time to watch it tonight, we have Rome to watch and two hours of it. Last week we fell asleep watching the episode and since they (should do it this week too) replay them, we have two hours of sex and gore to watch along with swords too…Good stuff.

Anyway, here is the list of stuff that I would get, or gets me excited when I see them for the month of October:

From http://www.joblo.com/releases.php?mode=dvd :

Oct 4th:

Not a damn thing, I’m not interested in any Star Trek movies, or Motley Crue, The Amityville Horror remake sucked (just like the original), The Interpreter was ok (damn, I do think I saw more movies while I was in school then I did during the summer, that fucking sucks!) and I’m not one for Cinverella.

Final decision: Skip this day, work and get money for next week.

Oct. 11th

We’ve got two things that stand out, the first is Kingdom of Heaven, the Orlando Bloom Crusades epic that was directed by Ridley Scott. And if you don’t know who that is, he’s the same guy who did Gladiator, so he kind of knows who to make those big type of films. I didn’t get a chance to see this film because it came out during a very crazy period of time at the end of the semester when I had a lot of shit to get done and I was also trying to get this apartment.

The second is Jet Li’s Unleashed film that I didn’t think looked all that good, but everyone else wanted to see it and pretty much didn’t. They were all hoping that it would come out on DVD soon, and guess what boys and girls…it did! Oct 11th mark your calendars, give the poor many some money.

Oct. 18th

This is a huge huge HUGE day for DVD releases. First and foremost, Batman Begins comes out on DVD and if you were reading my blog during the summer you would know that I thought that movie was awesome. Some people might not get it, but if you had either watched the cartoon or read the comic book, it blows a bunch of other comic book movies out of the water. Now there are two versions of this film coming out on the same day, the special edition and the regular edition. I’ll be one of those people buying the special edition. And bravo to the people at Warner Bros who decided to put them both out on the same day and not be one of these pussys who puts them out month apart from each other. Word to the wise to all the pussys, I only buy a DVD once, and if you put the SE out first, I’ll buy that one first, don’t come out with one months later expecting me to buy the other one. Jackass!



Also coming out on Oct. 18th and continuing on with Batman is the original Batman movie series ALL ON SPECIAL EDITION. I knew they were going to come out with this sooner or later, I restrained myself from buying the other versions of this. This one is called the Batman Motion Picture Anthology not to be confused with the box set for all the regular editions called the Batman Legacy. Same thing just without the Special edition and has been out for a while. This can be considered CHRISTMAS LIST WORTHY. In fact, it was the first thing I sent to my parents and Melissa way back in July when I found out they were coming out.

The box set cover:

Let’s see, things that are coming out on Oct. 18th but don’t really excite me at all…um…Land of the Dead and Saw Special Edition, yeah, right in time for Halloween. WHOO! I’m not buying them, but you can if you want to.

Oct. 25

And finally, the last tuesday of the month with any release dates, looking at it, not that many things actually stand out but…I’ll add another one to my Christmas list, The Mexico Triology by Robert Rodrigez (or however you spell it) which consist of El Mariachi, Desperado, and Once Upon A Time In Mexico…I take it back, I don’t really want them for Christmas, I’d much rather get something else then this…lol…

Also coming out on the 25th, a little to late but better late then never I suppose, Titanic Special Edition. If they came out with this years ago they would have raked in the cash, but now I’m thinking no one will give a shit.

Now, don’t go off of exactly what I said, check it out for yourself there may be something on the list that I don’t want and you may. So check it out at the link: http://www.joblo.com/releases.php?mode=dvd


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