These “of the Day” posts are starting to take over,
Day: July 26, 2005
Gif of the day
Yeah, we’re going to start a new one, here is the gif of the day–as in moving pic of the… Read more Gif of the day
Hummerz’s Myspace pics of the day #6
Here is one hotty that Hummerz just sent me… …her name is Tyler.
Joe Brynes’ film
Yeah, like I said before, I was helping Joe on his film and I just want to show some pics… Read more Joe Brynes’ film
Trailer Crashers
Hummerz sent me a link from the wedding crashers website (I have yet to see the movie, but I did… Read more Trailer Crashers
Will somebody slap me?
That offer goes out to everyone but Hummerz, because he would actually slap me. I stayed up last night to… Read more Will somebody slap me?