So, yeah, on Saturday, (I’m so busy I don’t even get the chance to update my blog on the day… Read more Massages by Catherine
Month: July 2005
Turtles to return…again
Here is an article from about the return of the Turtles to the big screen.
Evkoz’s dad owns you!
Pic of the Day #11
Hummerz was on Myspace today and he found this pic for me.
Links of the Day
Here are two links that I thought were really cool.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
So, this past Friday night (or more accurately Saturday morning) the sixth Harry Potter book came out. When the fifth… Read more Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
From flammable’s Vault #10
Seems like the pic of the day along with flammables’ Vault have turn 10. Here are two sites that he… Read more From flammable’s Vault #10
Pic of the Day #10
Craig from Warnock today was looking through his myspace and found this picture.
Raw was Marcos….Diva Search from this past Monday
Here are some pics from the Raw Diva Search that we got from Hummerz camera, they aren’t as good as… Read more Raw was Marcos….Diva Search from this past Monday
Poor Buffa
About three weeks ago I went to a fellow ex-RA’s website and checked out his blog and I found this… Read more Poor Buffa