That’s the title to a article that I happened upon today. I’m not really sure if I understand this… Read more Sharp Develops ‘Two-Way Viewing-Angle’ LCD
Month: July 2005
Hummerz’s Myspace pics of the day #2
Hummerz sent me these gems today, enjoy them. Her name is Forbidden:
Howard Stern rumors
Funny how I heard something about this possibly happening from Cruss at Melissa’s Grandmother’s 94th birthday party. If its true,… Read more Howard Stern rumors
From Jenna’s book of 505 Weirdest on-line store
A little less than a month ago, Melissa’s sister Jenna gave us some fun books, one of them called 505… Read more From Jenna’s book of 505 Weirdest on-line store
Google Earth
I haven’t checked out fellow blogger scott keith’s blog of doom in a long time and when I did I… Read more Google Earth
Working with Mr. Byrnes…
No, not that one.
LOL pic of the day
This isn’t your usual pic of the day, this is a LOL pic of the day.
Hummerz’s Myspace pics of the day
Hummerz has been going on to and befriending all these people.
Transformers in 2007
I’ve been hearing rumblings about this and now its been made official, on July 4th 2007, directed by: Michael Bay… Read more Transformers in 2007
Yesterday was Melissa’s Grandmother’s 94th birtday party. God bless her. That is a long time and she’s seen it all,… Read more 94