…makes me sad. Stupid baseball!
I’ll blame Fox for making me buy their X3: The Last Stand DVD; I’ve never seen it, but I’ll be watching it tonight when I would be watching my House!
…makes me sad. Stupid baseball!
I’ll blame Fox for making me buy their X3: The Last Stand DVD; I’ve never seen it, but I’ll be watching it tonight when I would be watching my House!
X3 was good, eh? Can’t wait for the new X-Men movies (though I wonder how they’ll do them without being sequels).
X3 was horrible. Stay away from this one and simply watch X2 dreaming of what could have been…
Aww, I liked it. Yes, I FINALLY saw all three. X2 was the best, or maybe I have a thing for the second movie in a trilogy. Kinda like an Oreo, there’s no boring part in the middle.
what did you like about X3? they killed everyone…I did however find out that if you wait through the credits you’ll find out that Professor X is still alive!
Well, they just killed of Scott, and I didn’t like him, anyway. Did they kill off anyone else? I can’t remember.
Yeah!! Remember when the Professor was talking to his class earlier in the movie, about the morality of taking over a comatose person’s body? And they showed a hospital bed and a nurse?
At the end of the movie, they show the nurse, and you hear Professor X’s voice, and the nurse says, “Professor”? And that’s the end. I guess a sequel wouldn’t work, since the comatose guy doesn’t look like Patrick Stewart.
I liked X3 because….uhhhh…..more Wolverine? Wolverine kicks ass! 🙂
I bet X3 wasn’t nearly as good as House would have been! Ha!
no it wasn’t! which makes me so mad! I felt like I wasted money on that movie. I really do!
Ouch! C’mon, it wasn’t that bad.
oh it was bad!
Did you see the new Wolverine trailer?