Its a Skittles commercial that Melissa and I just saw on tv, I quickly searched YouTube and found it. Check this out and think of Peanut!!!
Its a Skittles commercial that Melissa and I just saw on tv, I quickly searched YouTube and found it. Check this out and think of Peanut!!!
Okay, that’s a little strange. And creepy.
I love that commercial. Its awesome! I don’t think its creepy. He was the dumb one that didn’t keep his skittles. But he got an amazing singing rabbit!
He should have just kept the Skittles, jeez.
yeah, I have to admitt that if Peanut started singing like that I’d have to sell him off for Skittles too…
If you sold him to the recording industry, you could buy lots of Skittles with that money.
Downside is, every time you’d turn on the radio, you’d hear the singing anyway…hmm.
You know I never thought about it that way, so I would win and I would lose at the same time while getting cavities for the amount of Skittles I would be consuming…not good. Might as well keep Peanut.
Yeah, that would be a lot of Skittles.
Treasure the Rainbow!
Taste the Rainbow!
Trade the Rainbow!
I still love this commercial, I also like the 7-Up one too.
Ooh, which 7-up commercial?
This one still freaks me out, a little.
I think I just posted the 7-Up commercial last week. With the two bunnies that burrow for the cans of 7-up.
Oh!! I’m still behind, a little…will check it out.