Month: April 2007
Pirates: At World’s End featurette
This featurette makes the film look amazing. I can’t wait till it comes out!
Chad Vader: Dayshift Manager
Darth Vader’s Younger Less Succesful Brother! Can be found on myspace:  Click for more videos:
Animal pic(s) of the Day
from Roo love : Red Kangaroo “Naddel” relaxes in the sun with her still nameless six month old twins,… Read more Animal pic(s) of the Day
Lightning strikes
Cool pic from yahoo: Lightning strikes over Singapore April 25, 2007. REUTERS/ Pablo Sanchez (SINGAPORE)
Ever feel like this while at work?
Nasa pic(s) of the Day
This photo, taken with NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s cameras, shows a portion of the Carina Nebula released Tuesday, April 24,… Read more Nasa pic(s) of the Day
Nora, the piano playing cat
Red Pandas
I didn’t know that there was a such thing as Red Pandas. I thought they were foxes when I first… Read more Red Pandas
Drought uncovers town in Australia
This is cool. It just seems like something to make note of.