Triple H: 13 Times a King


Tonight was WWE’s Pay-Per-View No Way Out and not only did they start the PPV with a HUGE Elimination Chamber Match (one of two Chamber matches–and don’t get me started with how stupid it is to have two gimmick matches like that on one Pay Per View, I was going to try and get a No Way Out Predictions blog out, but I never got a chance too…) but they started it with a WWE Championship change.


Results:Regaining the throne

By: Mitch Passero

February 15, 2009

SEATTLE – Just as he did at Now Way Out in 2008, Triple H outlasted five other Superstars to emerge victorious from the Elimination Chamber. The win earned him Edge‘s WWE Championship and made The Game a 13-time World Champion. (WATCH: Post-match interview)

To get the win, The Game pinned Undertaker after a hard-hitting Pedigree in the brutal encounter that found both Superstars the final contestants battling for Edge’s title.

But, regaining gold was no easy task. The Cerebral Assassin had to do battle with SmackDown‘s elite Superstars who all wanted gold, including Undertaker, Big Show, Vladimir Kozlov, and Jeff Hardy. Surprisingly, The Rated-R Superstar was eliminated early in the match by Jeff Hardy.

Edge and Jeff Hardy were the first combatants to do battle. It didn’t take long for Hardy to pin the Rated-R Superstar and immediately make it known – the WWE Championship was there for the taking.

The undefeated Vladimir Kozlov was the next to enter the fray, followed by Big Show, Triple H and finally Undertaker.

In a war of SmackDown’s big men, Kozlov was the first to go down at the hands of The Phenom. Next, The Game took out Big Show after Jeff Hardy left The World’s Largest Athlete stunned from aSwanton Bomb. Then, The Deadman downed Hardy with a Tombstone.

With the four Superstars eliminated, The Cerebral Assassin and The Phenom squared off for gold. After a brutal back-and-forth struggle, it was The Game who reigned supreme.

As the Road to WrestleMania continues, The King of Kings awaits who will look to knock him from his throne.

I would hope by now, most people reading this would know, that my favorite wrestler is Triple H. I’ve been watching him since sometime in 1998. But if anyone has become redundant with their character in the last year and a half it would be Triple H. He hasn’t been interesting, I don’t really care if he’s going after a championship or always in the main event. I know he’s a huge attraction but I just don’t care right now.

I’ll always watch his matches and I’ll always pay attention to what he’s doing. I guess what I’m saying also is that he’s been a face for far too long, its maybe time for that amazing heel turn to freshen him up. I also think that the move to Smackdown! has really hurt him. He’s become just another person on there and his win of the WWE championship (while being a surpirse really) wasn’t a surprise. I know that there have been rumors of Triple H vs Edge for the Championship at Wrestlemania but I think I would have much rather have seen Edge retain (I mean this has been the forth time in four months that the championship has changed hands) and have a Trips vs Edge as champion match at Mania.

But whatever, he’s a 13 time champion, good for him. I’m glad, really…Eight time WWE, five time World Heavyweight champion (becoming the first person ever to win the WWE championship 8 times). I’m happy for him. I just want him to freshen up and become heel already…


PS I do have more to say about the whole Christian returning on ECW, but I’ll wait until tomorrow…

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