Rockfeller Gue

It is with great sadness that I write about the passing of Rockfeller Gue. Rocky, as I remember calling him, was a fellow Resident Assistant with me at Fairleigh Dickinson. In fact, he and I started out as RA’s during the same summer training. I have nothing but great memories of him and every one of them come to mind with his laugh or smile.


I know that I have not been in touch or spoken to  him in the years since I graduated from FDU, but I considered him a friend during my time there. He was always someone I would be happy to work our night rounds with as RA’s. He always made them fun.

During the later part of my last year on campus, 2005, I remember going to the Student Center and seeing him work his heart out trying to finish a mural in the main section of the newly remodeled first floor. I don’t know if the mural is even still there, but he did such a good job with it and it was a pleasure seeing such a great artist at work with what he loved.

Its really a shame that the world has lost such a good natured and gentle person. Rocky, you will be greatly missed.


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