Tomb Raider REBOOTED?

Look! The best of both worlds when looking at the last two posts I just put up on the blog. The first was an Alien Reboot the next was about a video game not being made into a movie and now a video game movie being rebooted.

Everything is being freaking REBOOTED! Come up with something original! And if you can’t, call me, I have a lot of freaking ideas!


Dan Lin Talks “Tomb Raider” Reboot

By Garth Franklin Wednesday May 27th 2009 01:12AM
Dan Lin Talks "Tomb Raider" RebootAt this week’s premiere of “Terminator Salvation”, Producer Dan Lin talked briefly about the upcoming reboot of the “Tomb Raider” film franchise to

“It’s a great origin story that we’re going to tell. A very character-oriented story. I would say more realistic than the past Lara Croft movies…I would say it’s like Terminator – character-driven action. I think for me the Lara Croft games and movies have gone a little too action-oriented. I wanted to have action, but with character” says Lin.

In other words the film is going back to the beginning with a more grounded and emotional tone ala “Batman Begins” or “Casino Royale” in order to try and re-establish the brand. At last rumor Megan Fox was up for the role of Lara Croft.

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