Odd Coincidences



Two nights ago, the girls, Cassie and Chloe, were lying on the couch, butt-to-butt and it just looked funny. I took a quick picture and this is what I had:




I then proceeded to look back at the pictures on my phone and I had, somehow, forgotten that I had taken a picture just a few hours prior of two yellow-ish/orange-ish colored moving trucks that I saw back-to-back to each other at the parking lot where I work, on my way home:





Aside from the fact that the two moving trucks together like that are just strange…I can only try to comprehend what shady business was going on during this time; my brain races to get Die Hard-esque ideas out of my mind as quickly as possible and how I don’t think I have the cojones to pull off any John McClane style stunts and the bravery it would take to thwart Euro-terrorist bent on robbing $140 million dollars in negotiable bearer bounds. Sigh!

But I digress…Two totally random occurrences, same day…and I almost didn’t drive by to take the pics of the trucks. I would have totally forgotten about them. I didn’t even think back to the trucks when I saw Cassie and Chloe lying down on the couch. Thoughts anyone?

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