I guess with Wrestlemania along with some things going on in TNA right now, I’ve been on a wrestling kick on the blog. I didn’t even know this DVD was coming out and it looks pretty good and it came out…yesterday! So, its out, I’m going to have to figure out how to get it.
Here is the Full Listing on this triple disc collection, from Wrestle Zone:
Disc One (Documentary)
-The Beginning
-WrestleMania is Born
-New York, Chicago, Los Angeles
-Bigger, Better, Badder
-Influencing a Generation
-Battle of the Billionaires
-Atlantic City Hotspot
-O’ Canada
-Hulkamania is WrestleMania
-Emotionally Charged
-Dream Match…Not a Reality
-World’s Largest Toga Party
-Back on Broadway
-Hall of Fame
-New Generation
-Baddest Man on the Planet
-To the New Millenium
-Seismic Shift
-Mr. WrestleMania
-The Crowd Effect
-Living Out a Dream
-The Music of Mania
-Citrus Bowl
-Preparing for the Moment
-Greatest Match Ever?
-The Legacy
Disc Two
-Hulk Hogan and Mr. T (w/Jimmy Snuka) vs. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff (w/Bob Orton) at WrestleMania
-Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania 3
-Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 3
-Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage in a retirement match at WrestleMania 7.
-Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels in a ladder match for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania 10.
Disc Three
-Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 14.
-The Hardys vs. The Dudleys vs. Edge and Christian in a TLC match for the WWE Tag Titles at WrestleMania 16.
-Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon in a street fight at WrestleMania 17.
-The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 18.
-Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 19.
-John Cena vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 22.
Not the greatest of all collections, but the documentary alone should be a great watch, and I don’t think the matches themselves are terrible I just wish they had one match from every event. Like what happened to any of the Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock matches at 15, 17, or 19? That’s a shame that none of those made it on here. Oh well.
Anyway, check out the trailer below: