AJ Epyx Productions’ DISHONORABLE VENDETTA Now Available Online VOD
By Mother Brain
Cool Multimedia Group and AJ Epyx Productions are happy to announce that after 4 years of very hard and tedious work, DISHONORABLE VENDETTA is now available for video-on-demand streaming on the Goliath Movie Channel at Broadcastnetwork.tv! For as low as $4.00, you can watch the entire movie as well as access other movies under the Goliath Movie Channel. Both Standard and HD formats available on the site.

Again, I want to thank my entire cast and crew for working as hard as they did on the project, to Mr. Marc Altman and Mr. Rico Mancini putting in their valuable time to help me see this project to its full completion, and to the good folks at Goliath Arts who believed in this project enough to let the world see it! Lastly, I’d like to thank our loyal supporters on Facebook who were anxious as I am for Dishonorable Vendetta to see the light of day!
For any questions about Dishonorable Vendetta and how to order it on Broadcastnetwork.tv, you can email me at ajepyx1@gmail.com
Link to watch entire movie: http://www.broadcastnetwork.tv/video/5393
30 sec promo: http://www.broadcastnetwork.tv/video/6871
AJ Epyx Productions’ DISHONORABLE VENDETTA Now Available Online VOD #CosBlog #AJEpyx #DishonorableVendetta… http://t.co/S0GiyD3zap
AJ Epyx Productions’ DISHONORABLE VENDETTA Now Available Online VOD http://t.co/UBUmyTDBpv
AJ Epyx Productions’ DISHONORABLE VENDETTA Now Available Online VOD http://t.co/5YqXhnVGdW