The world knows her best as Sarah Connor in the first two installments of the Terminator film franchise. Yet, many people are unaware of Linda Hamilton’s body of work outside the multibillion dollar series. While she embraced a role full of physical and mental strength, she was also not afraid to tackle roles where her characters deal with more real world hardships and personal tragedy. Most of all, it was the struggles in her personal life that drove her performances on the big screen.
Month: January 2014
BunnyRaptor from The Oatmeal
Source: The Oatmeal
The Marcos and Andre Podcast Episode 1
Cos’ Blog is proud to announce its very first Podcast!
The Star Wars and E.T. Connection?
Mind blown
Cassie lounging
Fun dog pic of the day
Most Random Pic of the Day
Saw this pic online today and knew I had to post it:
Showtime wants more ‘Dexter’?!
Source: Dark Horizons This one is strange, Showtime wants more ‘Dexter’ in spin offs? Go to Dark Horizonsfor more information.
‘Star Wars’ personality quiz
Check out this ‘Star Wars’ personality quiz. I ended up being Luke Skywalker: Quiz yourself and see who you are:… Read more ‘Star Wars’ personality quiz
“Products your dog has no idea existed” from The I Love Dogs Site
Saw this post and thought it was interesting