Source: BuzzFeed
I pretty much use my camera to take endless amounts of photos, which if you follow me on either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you haven’t been inundated with the amount that I actually take on a daily basis! And I post a lot! But that’s honestly just a fraction of the amount of stuff I take a picture of!
I take pics of things that I want to remember, that I think were interesting or funny or just anything that stands out to me. For example:

I’ve taken so many pictures with my phone I think I’m going to have to get an external hard drive to hold them all. I love taking pictures, perhaps its just a fear of loosing things and I just keep these digital memories of what they are. I don’t know.
Anyway, BuzzFeed has a great article on some clever ways to use your phone camera, more productive and helpful than I use it for!
To read the rest of the article go to: BuzzFeed
Ways to use your phone camera #CosBlog #Camera #Phone #CameraPhone