I’ve watched this a few times and each time I laugh just as hard as the first…

I’ve watched this a few times and each time I laugh just as hard as the first…
Consider this a “What if” type of posting. What if Star Wars existed in our universe and not some fictional world of dreams?
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Google Photos continues to impress.
Yes, you read that right…
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Source: Yahoo! Tech Saw this the other day, I have to sit down and watch it,… Read more Star Wars I-III: A Phantom Edit
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] After seeing this who doesn’t want a baby goat?
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] Back in 2007 I posted a video of a Snake vs Rabbit that was quite comical… Read more Mother Rabbit vs bullying Snake
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] A bunch of these have all ready been on the Blog previously, but its worth watching… Read more Top 10 Golden Retriever Videos on YouTube?
Google is again in the news today, this time with Google Play Music Radio.
I love Google, their products never cease to amaze me.