I only heard of this video, I didn’t see it until today and it is amazing. I can’t believe how much was not practical effects.

I only heard of this video, I didn’t see it until today and it is amazing. I can’t believe how much was not practical effects.
[avatar user=”Smark Central” size=”150″ /] RAWbservations: September 12, 2016 Source: I Still Watch Pro Wrestling 1. The opener was good.… Read more RAWbservations September 12, 2016
Say it isn’t so!!!!
It feels like a long time ago people were talking about actual football. The sport of football has taken a back seat to the tabloid like headlines surrounding it. Maybe it is the result of the TMZ/instant reaction/twitter World that we live in. Maybe we pay too much attention to the few awful people who play football and not enough to those who are genuinely good guys. Maybe the NFL should concern themselves with more important issues than deflated footballs. No matter where you are on those matters, its time to get back to talking about the sport we love so much. Let’s just play some freaking football already!
Source: Wrestle Zone Rumors have been running rampant ever since the WWE Draft back in July where Paige and her… Read more Has Paige Quit WWE?
Source: io9 Great news coming from Geoff Johns and Jon Berg, the new heads of the DC slates of films.… Read more Future of DC Films- Everything is Changing
Not much to say here, I was a huge fan of Punk’s during his WWE tenure; so much so that… Read more CM Punk UFC 203 Octagon debut
[avatar user=”marcos” size=”75″ /] While Melissa was looking around at the mall, Miles just wanted to run, so I let… Read more Miles was Live on Facebook
Sourc: Business Insider Apple announced that Nintendo’s Super Mario will be in the All Store! I am quite excited about… Read more Super Mario on iPhone!