It’s been a few years since we’ve had our own family computer.
For the last few years we’ve used our work computers as OUR computer. Looking things up, paying bills, etc. I have a MacBook Pro and Melissa has a PC.
There is Miles’ Chromebook but that thing doesn’t work as well as I’d like it to.
For the last few months my work laptop has dropped wifi at random (and sometimes very inconvenient) times. And, no, it isn’t the house wifi. My phone, which is in the EXACT SAME ROOM, does not loose wifi and I’ve sometimes had to jump on my phone to finish a meeting.
For a few months now I’ve suffered through trying to use Miles’ Chromebook. It just isn’t what I need it to be (but it is exactly what he needs it to be for school stuff).
I did recently notice that WordPress isn’t allowed on my work Pro (security) and so the previous post that was done on October 11 was done from Miles’ Chromebook.
Recently I set up a brand new Dell Laptop for my parents and a brand new Dell Desktop for my in-laws. While I think the Windows 11 operating system is great (even though it is a small, aesthetic, tweak to have the apps/programs you use right in the middle) I just couldn’t get over not using an Apple product.
I love the Apple ecosystem and per a recommendation from a few people I looked into the Air.
While I do use a Pro for work I don’t really need the power of a MacBook Pro for everyday use and honestly would only be visiting websites, paying bills, writing, posting blog stuff (maybe, let’s not get crazy). Nothing that would require a lot of power.
So, the MacBook Air sounded right.
Through stars aligning and a chat with my parents, I was able to get a MacBook Air (see picture below).

It is really an early Christmas/Birthday present for my 40 year old single child self.
Very very happy with it. While I didn’t get a chance to play around with my new MacBook Air this week (I got it on Tuesday, set it up and it just sat there for the week) I opened it up and did a few things today. Including this blog post!
Perhaps you’ll see more posts in the near future (maybe, let’s not get crazy).