Watch this, and tell me if this isn’t too much from a fan:
I didn’t hear about this until today and has the brief article on it:
Jimmy Kimmel is looking for the guy who recently cried out “It’s still real to me” at a wrestling convention. Kimmel played the video last night and says he wants him on his show
Crazy! That’s a red flag right there if I didn’t say so…
PS geez!
Oh my god…wow.
Yeah, that’s going a little *too* far.
seriously, I’ve never seen anyone like that before. Melissa did cry the first time she ever saw Triple H live. She was deeply and madly in love with him. And she cried.
whoa! you responded quicker than I can answer them…crazy!
Hahaha! You happened to catch me at the keyboard.
damn! I had to eat dinner, somehow I was only able to answer one response last night. But I think I’ve caught up now…haha
Oh man, I’m answering these and am still falling behind, as you answer them all on your end too.
OH and I caught up! I finally read and commented on the last entry I had in my feed reader. Man, I love feed readers.
Thanks for all of the great posts, man…I would be so disconnected without you and the blog.
no problem, I’m happy to have such a loyal reader…
w00t! I’m a loyal reader.
Maybe I should make a hall of fame for the loyal readers…
Dude! Would I get a statue or something?
um…I don’t know about that…maybe…I won’t make it though…how about a pack of gum, would that do? you might have to share it with the other inductees…ok, so maybe it’ll just be you and you can chew the whole pack…
Can I make a statue out of the gum?
that may be kind of cool…
Well, and sticky too.
yeah, would you keep it?
I’m not sure I’ve got a desk large enough to stick it under.
stick it to the ceiling…
but the point is that if someone’s reaching below their desk, they get gum all over their hands…eew
yeah, and let me tell you, its not the greatest feeling, especially if it is relatively new…ugh!
yeah! i bet as a teacher you’d loathe that kind of thing.
actually as a teacher I would never touch underneath a student’s desk…that would be bad…
OH yeah, good point.
see, bad things happen if you do things like that…stop it! stop it I tell you… bad vault keeper!
I’m pounding my head against the desk in hopes I never have these thoughts again….ow
good. HARDER!!!!!
what does it say at the end?
LOL I’ve got no idea!
weird, I feel like if I say it something evil will appear to me…
It looks like a creepy witch doctor chant, or something.
exactly! are you trying to kill me?
Well, it would mean that I’d win our pirate-ninja fight early…
hmm….not cool. Pirates rule….
Except when they’ve been killed by ninjas!!
ohh!!!! you’re getting on my goat and the goat isn’t happy!
Here goat, have an old boot.
An old boot filled with NINJA STARS!
my goat is even more mad now! I must train him to throw the NINJA STARS back at you!
Can he spit? Spitting ninja starts would be more awesome.
well…now that you mention it he can! he can most definately spit ninja stars…flamming ninja stars at that!
hey man, this post is now over a year old…
that post above was from me…somehow it didnt mark it as such…
Holy crap, yeah. Crazy!
That’s okay. I figured it was you.
I would hope so. so, today is March 29th 2007 when do you end up commenting on this page?
Lets see if we can keep a tally of how long in between comments this takes…
so, uh…yeah, this one has been going on for a long time…I think that’s pretty cool. Its burried in the vaults of the blog and now we keep bringing it up and dusting it off for a moment in the sun then burrying it back at the bottom for a little longer. The stories this blog could tell…
Whoa! On fire.
I’m surprised LiveJournal hasn’t noticed all the space you’re probably using.
You think they flag some of the older ones with question marks ??? Because I just brought this one back again and man was there a lot of dust on this one…
Naw, was just kidding about the space…they’re probably fine with you posting.