American Idol prediction

Now that I found out that I’m not going to be picking up Melissa at 3 but at 3:30, I have some time to post some stuff up here while I remember to do it.

I’ve never actually watched Amercian Idol, maybe like the first couple of episodes or the very last one, but I’ve never wanted to give in to the pop machine of American Idol.

Things change I guess. I haven’t been watching everything, I would probably explode if I did, but I do have a prediction for the winner:

Katharine McPhee

The prettiest and most talented out of the bunch this year

Melissa’s pick for winner is:


Our prediction is that it will come down to these two…not bad choices at all, I might add…


PS And yes my crush for Kelly Clarkson still continues, and is making way for Katharine McPhee…hmm….

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