Videos of Mathew from Nov 15, 2004

Here are a whole bunch of videos from this date from 2004, I don’t think this date was anything special, just like the September 6th in the post last night, but it will now be one of those rare days where there were a lot of pictures (or in this case videos) of Mathew.

I think as the week goes on, it starts to settle in more and more and I keep getting upset. I haven’t cried or anything since Monday, but I just get upset. It might be at work or just when I first get up, or if I’m walking around and I think about something and I don’t know, I just get sad.

I miss my little cat.

Here are the videos:

Waking a sleeping cat:

Melissa plays with Mathew while drinking Coke:

Following Mathew around the house:

Mathew being allowed outside:

Me picking up Mathew and falling as I put him on the stairs:

These aren’t all of the videos, but just the chosen few that I thought were good. Hope you enjoy them.

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