Here is one I didn’t think I’d see, or even think I want to see. I mean, the one by Roland Emmerich was pretty bad, and the Japanese company that produced the movies even went on to make a few more films after the 1998 American film came out (I think they even had a character say that something surfaced in NYC and that they thought it was Godzilla, but it wasn’t–a nice knock on a stupid movie), and I think they even retired the character for a little bit.
So, why the insistence on bringing back this character? Why not? Hollywood has been so lazy recently that I’m surprised a movie based on Tetris or Pong isn’t in the works. I mean, I’m full of ideas and fully capable of writing a script. I went to school for film, I’m currently writing a few scripts, a few original ideas, why don’t they come knocking on my door?
Ohh look! I scared them away. My stories aren’t backed by an already existing franchise…sigh…I guess I’ll just keep writing…
Although, I do think a game based on Frogger would do well… 😛
Godzilla Reborn!by Clint Morris (Thursday, August 13th, 2009 at 9:29 pm )
There’s a fire-breathing monster headed towards Hollywood and Vine… and it ain’t a Weinstein.
Bloody Disgusting reports that a new “Godzilla†picture is in the works. Legendary Pictures, the crowd behind superhero jaunts “Watchmen†and ‘The Dark Knightâ€, are reportedly behind the Jurassic creature’s Tinseltown resurgence. There’s no other details at this stage.
The last time Hollywood tackled the Japanese Lizard things didn’t work out so well. 1998’s “Godzillaâ€, starring Matthew Broderick, and directed by Roland Emmerich, wasn’t just slammed by fans, it was a box office disappointment to boot. Tri Star had originally hoped it’d be the first chapter in a new franchise (hence the final sequence of the first film – with Godzilla’s eggs hatching at Madison Square Gardens).
More on this as it comes to hand…