End of the World to be on 5/21/11?


Just a few days shy of my Father’s birthday…bummer…

If I don’t seem that concerned it’s because I’m not. Actually, my Father was the one that sent this to me and after doing a little research I realized that the person that was heading this was none other than good ole Harold Camping, someone Melissa and I happened upon on one of the cable access channels in the apartment way back when. We couldn’t stop watching as the 80 something year old man spoke in his deep voice about all things religious; and I’m not talking “couldn’t stop watching” in a good way, I mean like a train wreck.

File:Harold Camping in 2008.jpg

I didn’t realize how famous he was until I did research back then and found out that he was pretty well known in the US. And now thinking back, I do recall reading that he had predicted the end of the world at some point back in the 90’s (which is referenced below as well) and now it seems like he has chosen a new date, May 21st, 2011.

Let me tell you, people have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world. I don’t know if there is an end to the world, I don’t think that even the infamous Mayan date of December 21, 2012 is the end of the world. But let’s just say I’m also fairly certain that Camping’s prediction here will ultimately lead to disappointment on his part.

Here is an article about Camping’s prediction from Examiner:

May 21, 2011: Harold Camping first predicted end of world for 1994

  • January 5th, 2011 4:56 pm PT

May 21, 2011: Harold Camping first predicted end of world for 1994

Harold Camping of Family Radio is predicting the end of the world for May 21, 2011, but this reporter has learned that Camping first predicted that doomsday would be on September 6,  1994,  and the proof of that prediction is on YouTube.  Click on the video on the left.    Fast forward to around 1:00 and see the prediction for yourself.

Camping’s prediction is getting a huge amount of buzz on the Internet.   Everyone from Time Magazine to NPR have been reporting the May 21, 2011 doomsday date.    Camping says he’s sure of his prediction.   Click here to view a previous story that includes YouTube video of Camping being confronted with a caller who accuses him of using the prediction to raise money.   The caller asks if Camping will return the money on May 22, 2011 if his prediction doesn’t come true.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Camping 89, is basing his prediction on a  mathematical system to interpret prophecies hidden within the bible.

Camping is from Oakland, California, where he runs and host Family Radio, which reaches listeners all around the world.

Camping chuckled when the Chronicle asked him about Armageddon coming in 2012 as allegedly predicted by the Mayans and dramatized in the movie 2012.

Camping says that the righteous have nothing to fear and will be taken to heaven on the last day.

Undoubtedly, the recent reports of massive numbers of dead birds and dead fish showing up in Kentucky, Arkansas, New Zealand, Brazil, and Sweden are only helping to intensify the end of the world rumors on the Internet.

Other Web sites including  wecanknow.com and the eBible Fellowship are joining in on the May 20, 2011 prediction.

Catherine Wessinger, a professor at Loyola University in New Orleans who studies millennialism, the belief in pending apocalypse told the Associated Press,  “A lot of times these prophecies gain traction when difficulties are happening in society.  Right now, there’s a lot of insecurity, and this is a promise that says it’s not all random, it’s part of God’s plan.”

Continue reading on Examiner.com: May 21, 2011: Harold Camping first predicted end of world for 1994 – San Francisco | Examiner.comhttp://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-san-francisco/may-21-2011-harald-camping-first-predicted-end-of-world-for-1994#ixzz1GEif4TJN

By Ed Walsh

Ed Walsh has worked as a journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1985. He’s worked in television, radio, print, and the Internet. His e…Read more


I think that the last line is pretty interesting, that when things are becoming increasingly difficult in society (I mean, we could point to the constant struggles recently in Egypt and Lybia, along with the rising gas prices here in the US and the economy down, the recent earthquakes that have been occuring (I think I read there was a 7.1 off the coast of Japan earlier this week) along with any other issue that people piece together) it is no wonder that people think it is the end of the world.

Not to get too preachy but a better stance then scaring people into thinking it was the end of the world would be to help them understand that throughout time things have been just as bad if not worse and to stay strong during these trying times. It is a true shame that people feed on the weaknesses of others just to force feed them their agendas. Just my thoughts. You don’t have to agree with me.

On CNN they had this slide show of other “Doomsday” prophecies over the years, interesting read, click the pic below to take you to the slide show.

From CNN:


2 thoughts on “End of the World to be on 5/21/11?

  1. Shaan says:

    hey there I think that you are making some false statement about what Comping has said in the past. As all Bible students we are all commanded by God to warn people in anyway as the bible warns us. in 1992 Comping did write a book with a very big question mark asking if 1994 was the day of Jesus return. However, in the same book comping did mention 2011 as the likely possibility but he didn’t have all biblical supports confirm it. again as christian we all have to warn people about God judgement whenever we can or see something from the Bible that indicate this ergency. I hope tha you will take this in consideration when you write your next article. thanks Shaan

    1. Cos says:


      While I completely respect what you are trying to say here I on the other hand have to say that with all that is going on in the world today we can either comfort those who are scared and weak or we can scare them into believing things that may or may not happen. People have been predicting the end of the world since time began and how are we to believe that the end times are upon us? What of someone like William Miller (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Miller_%28preacher%29) who predicted on two separate occasions that the end was near and neither time proved accurate. There have been plenty of times before that an equal amount of disasters have caused people to think we were nearing the end and we are still here. Instead of feeding in to the craze, why would any God want us to fear them when we should be allowed to comfort and help those around us. You don’t tell a child that the monster they believe in the closet might actually be there, you comfort them and give them hope and strength. I am not saying that your views and opinions are wrong, but mine are equally as valid.

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