Melissa sent this to me, kind of crazy!
On Wednesday at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
That won’t ever happen again.
hmmm, and I know I won’t be checking my clock…..
Melissa sent this to me, kind of crazy!
On Wednesday at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
That won’t ever happen again.
hmmm, and I know I won’t be checking my clock…..
Were you awake?
I was asleep, man I’m lame.
oh man, I completely forgot about it! I missed it….
had to work the next day, so it made sense to just go to bed…i mean, there’s really no point to stay up for that.
but still!
i know! i guess i just wasn’t sure what to do once the time had come
I forgive you.
Thanks, Marcos…wasn’t sleeping for a while there. I think that clears my conscience. š
was it because of the evil monkey that lives in your closet?
I could see the glowing red eyes from my bed…how could anyone sleep with that?
tell him to shut them off…flat out…they stop being scary when you make them realize that they should be in a lab or something being experimented on with eyes that glow red and light up rooms….
I think he should work in a horror film. Creepy monkeys are good for that sort of thing.
ever see SAW or SAW II?
Nope…you kidding? Dawn of the Dead is the last horror film I’ll ever see.
I take it you don’t like horror?
LOL yeah…it’s best to keep my nervous reaction to fear, in case zombies really do invade the earth. I’ll be ready.
how about aliens, or ghosts, or vampires or alien-ghost-zombie-vampires…I heard they can be a real pain.