Sunday Night PAW results 4/2/06 (from two weeks ago!)

Sorry guys, this was Wrestlemania night and I was a little busy watching the Pay Per View that I bought…

here are the results:

Sunday Night PAW 4/2/06:

Pierre comes out and demands a match against Bae for the Title Tonight, he beat her many times and this should be a simple piece of cake.

Bae comes out and says that its on! Bandit comes out and says that he beat Bae twice and that last Saturday was simply a fluke and that tonight he’ll be crowned the new World Champion.

So its on, triple treat for the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Match #1
Comet #3 and #4 vs Dale and Erika
Comet leader #1 distracts the ref and costs Dale and Erika the win.

Winners: Comet Clan Member #3 and #4

Peanut Chew makes his way down to the ring and a rabbit cage is lowered and he tells everyone that he is debuting his new show “RAGE from the CAGE”. He hops around and then tells everyone that his first guest of the evening is Matty H.

Matty H. does not come out.

He repeats that his first guest is Matty H.

Matty H. again does not come out.

“Oh that’s right, that’s because I beat him and tossed him off the top of the double cage last week! How about that old man!”

Coming Soon!!! Luna!!!

Match #2
Triple Threat Match
Bandit VS Pierre VS Bae (c)

towards the end of the match, Gimli the Goat comes down and takes Bandit out of the match and they fight their way to the back. Pierre watches and laughs as the little jack russell was the one giving him the most problems throughout the night and suddenly Bae pins Pierre.

Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: Bae

Pierre is beside himself screaming NO!

Bae walks up the ramp and to the back.

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