I sent this to my parents simply because I can remember hearing each one of these at least once while growing up and well into my teen years…sadly, I’ll still probably use them on my kids…
from Cracked:

Your Mom Lied: 5 Common Body Myths Debunked
By Trevor Moorehouse Feb 17, 2008 831,376 views
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_15916_your-mom-lied-5-common-body-myths-debunked.html#ixzz1B2dULJOr
Your Mom Lied: 5 Common Body Myths Debunked
By Trevor Moorehouse Feb 17, 2008 831,376 views
2,774diggsdigg Part of growing up is realizing almost everything your mom said was wrong. This is especially true when it comes to the human body (how many of you grew up with the “masturbation will make hair grow on your palms” thing?) where, as you’ll see, mom often failed to do her research. “If you shave, your facial hair will grow back thicker!” The Lie: The Truth: So why do moms perpetuate this one? Most likely out of the embarrassment most mothers of pubescent boys feel. It seems you didn’t have the good fortune to hit the ground running with puberty like we Cracked staffers did, and it took you a few years to start looking and sounding like Powers Boothe. Consequently you had a fuzzy neck beard, and your parents didn’t want to be seen in public with you until you shaved it. So instead of telling you straight up that you were a repulsive pock-marked abomination and having to hear you whine in your broken girly voice, they simply lied and told you shearing hair makes it stronger and thicker, knowing you would do it–and keep doing it–in a futile attempt look like Grizzly Adams. “You can’t have anymore sugar, you’ll be bouncing off the walls!” The Lie: The Truth: Your mom was wrong on two counts: first off, gravity is unaffected by sugar. Secondly, hyperactivity is unaffected by sugar. Or at least, that’s what dashing professor of neonatology and general pediatrics at UAMS Medical center, Dr. Bryan Burk says here. “No evidence exists that feeding children a high-sugar diet will induce hyperactivity, despite the common belief that it does.” It seems that you need to consume something more along the lines of caffeine, dopamine or crack to achieve any hyperactivity. In fact for some children, sugar may very well have an opiate affect on their brain. In case you didn’t know, morphine and heroin are opiates, so when your mom gave you sugar, it may have been like shooting you up with tiny little amounts of smack, and smack addicts are not known as the most active of people. Of course, the part about sugar destroying your teeth and turning you into a fatass are both still true, so in the end mom was right. “Turn on a light! Reading in the dark will ruin your eyes” The Lie: The Truth: The truth is, due to the amazing resilience of the human eye, reading in dim light doesn’t hurt our eyes. Dr. Katrina Schmidt, who is both a doctor and a woman, says here that, “Reading in dim light is not in itself going to ruin your eyes.” However she does note that our eyes work a little harder in dim light, so if we keep moving the book to try and focus on it, it will tax our poor retinas to the point where they may well just leap off of our eyeballs and walk out the door. According to Wikipedia there have been five cases of this exact thing [citation needed]. “Don’t swallow that gum! It takes seven years to pass through your digestive system!” The Lie: The Truth: According to those killjoys over at Snopes, the reason your mom lied to you is because she was confused about the term “indigestible,” which actually just means your stomach acids are unable to break down the components of gum. While this may sound unpleasant, note that no one ever accuses corn of ruining your digestive system, and it’s just as hard to digest. So the only thing this means is that your gum will appear intact upon exiting your body, which leaves it open to any number of workplace pranking opportunities, Cracked is not responsible for any injuries or firings resulting from that idea, but will gladly own up to any resulting hilarity. “Put a jacket on! You’ll catch a cold!” The Lie: The Truth:
What your mom misunderstood about our friend the rhinovirus is that he is just that, a virus. Viruses are pure undead malevolence encoded into genetic material and wrapped up in a creepy protein shell. They aren’t even technically alive, so temperature has no affect on them. They’re just tiny zombies that you can’t even shoot in their microscopic zombie heads. So why do people get a cold when it’s cold out? It depends on who you ask, but if you ask Robert Bradsher M.D. you’ll learn that “cold weather usually makes people stay indoors, which might increase the person-to-person transmission of respiratory viruses.” Really, if your mother was smart and well informed she would have kicked your ass outside so she could enjoy her Southern Comfort, childless home and germ-free air. It should also be noted that when you did finally catch that cold, your mom starving your cold and forcing orange juice down your throat did absolutely jack-all for curing you. |
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_15916_your-mom-lied-5-common-body-myths-debunked.html#ixzz1B2dULJOr